Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hyakushiki-Ou 22JUL2008 Fireworks

Since I start my summer class next week I want to try to catch up with Hyakushiki episodes as I doubt I'm going to have a lot of energy after commuting back and forth from where I live to Seattle and having 3 hour classes four days of the week.

This episode is about fireworks. Same format as past episodes as it begins with a quiz segment to introduce the topic. They then watch different fireworks on a screen and are told which are what kind. So like the episode before unless you're actually interested in the topic ans understand Japanese these segments will probably be a bit boring, especially if you've seen fireworks before.

It's back to quizzing again then. Shoon surprised me a bit when he said 'star fire' as it actually sounded like 'star fire' and not 'staa fayaa'. Inohara seemed to be helping them more than usual with figuring out the answers. This is another episode that for some reason they didn't send out any of the boys for an on location shoot. Kinda don't blame them for that since the idea of the boys playing with the kind of big fireworks they were showing off is rather scary and I'm sure Johnny's doesn't want to lose one of their idol boys to a fireworks accident. So instead the location shoot follows a story about a young man who hires out a fireworks company to put on a display as part of his plan to ask his girlfriend to marry him. It's all rather sweet.

It goes back to quizzing again, this time showing off the more interesting fireworks. Like a hand held one that after it finishes going off reveals a message on it and another hand held one that will blow up a balloon on it once done burning up.

They then finally do something with the boys and fireworks by having a classroom segment with them both. Thankfully it's only the small toy ones and they have a plastic container to light them over. Inohara opens a box of handmade sparklers for the boys to use in a competition they'll compete in to win the pack of fireworks displayed earlier. They each pick a sparkler and start the game, which simply is to have their sparkler last the longest. On Inohara's signal, after they've darkened the room they all light the lighters they each have and then set their sparklers off. Fujigaya ends up winning, much to his surprise.

They have Keito promote Hey! Say! JUMP's single Your Seed/Bouken Rider and then show the clips for the next episode which is the first of the two Olympic Games themed episodes.

The end shot is of everyone checking out Fujigaya's prize.

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