Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hyakushiki-Ou 01JUL2008 Tokyo Disneyland pt.1

I've been meaning to catch up on Hyakushiki-Ou episodes and with my desktop still out of commission I figured this would be a good enough time as I have these episodes on my laptop. I do confess I have already watched the episodes for Tokyo Disneyland a few times. So unlike past episode reviews this isn't the first or second time watching them.

A big part of the reason I've watched these episodes so much is because my two favorite boys from the show, Fujigaya Taisuke and Yamashita Shoon, were the ones that got to go to the location. Another is that it is about Disneyland, well Tokyo Disneyland, but still I love learning more about these theme parks as there is just so much that goes into them no matter where in the world they are located.

Fujigaya and Shoon seem genuinely happy to be there, and I don't blame them at all. Especially considering Fujigaya's last outing was to walk around Tokyo looking at roads. They have a lady to guide them around the park and talk about it's features and the special things that they are doing to celebrate Tokyo Disneyland's 25th Anniversary. One of these things is that there are four big signs around the park that are made from photos of guests that have visited.

The on location segments are merged with the quiz segments more than usual so there isn't as much distinction when one ends and another begins. The lady shows how in the play area for little children the ground is covered in a soft material to prevent the kids hurting themselves much if they fall. She seems to take a liking to Shoon, and I can't blame her, and Fujigaya doesn't seem happy about being left behind.

Fujigaya soon gets his revenge though as they make it over to Splash Mountain. He seems excited to go on the ride while Shoon is less than thrilled. But this is a Japanese show so there's no chickening out and he goes with Fujigaya to get on the ride. I just love the photo they show of them on the ride. Fujigaya's expression of glee is a wonderful contrast to Shoon screaming in fear next to him. As expected Shoon isn't too happy after getting off the ride, partly because he's rather wet now. Unfortunately while the guide has taken a shining to him, she's not above sending him off to have another go at the ride that Fujigaya has no problem dragging him off to do despite Shoon's adamant protests.

After torturing Shoon they move on to look at some of the little decorative things that are at the park that people will probably miss at first glance.

Then we get to see what Fujigaya and Shoon look like with literal hearts in their eyes as they are shown a special mirror.

They then go to one of the stores in the park and ask Inohara to buy them a 5,000,000¥ (which is ruffly $50,000.00USD) miniature replica of Cinderella's Castle. I don't know how he could resist their request with their cute faces, but I guess he's been at Johnny's long enough to have an immunity against those ploys.

The last thing they check out on this episode are the post boxes at Disneyland. Fujigaya sends a postcard to the studio and Inohara, who seems to also go by the last name Powell from the name on the mail box in the studio, pulls it out. It's passed to Keito and is shown that all mail that is delivered from Disneyland gets a special stamp put on it.

The end clip is watching Shoon protest at going back on Splash Mountain another time and the guide with Fujigaya dragging him off back to the ride again anyway.

I realize I've just gushed about Fujigaya and Shoon pretty much the whole time, but I stand by the opinion that they really make Hyakushiki-Ou worth watching. The other boys tend to be rather quiet and in this episode just seemed to be there for the sake of being there. Except Sanada did seem to try to be as active as he could be for the quiz sections and kept spouting off answers event hough he was wrong most of the time. I hope he keeps it up as he is getting more opportunities to be seen and heard and really shouldn't waste it. It would also be nice if Keito and Takada speak up a bit more too. Though Keito seems to have no problem talking when he feels like he has something worth sharing but Takada comes off rather reserved, which I feel isn't something someone should be as a Junior as they need to be noticed to build a fanbase to get more opportunities and being quiet doesn't help at all.

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