Saturday, August 2, 2008

Maybe the Hashimoto-trio no longer.

I realize now that I've just typed it that the title for this entry sounds rather dubious. It's not though, and I don't feel like changing it.

Reports from the first day of SUMMARY 2008 have begun to show up with some information about the current Junior groups. One has been known for a few days now with the September Shounen Club recording, and that is Yamashita Shoon is being introduced with A.B.C., kinda like when Toushin Yoshikazu was a part of the group, except that Shoon can actually do some acrobatics.

Something else of interest, or is to me, is that the Hashimoto-trio, (Hashimoto Ryosuke, Sanada Yuma, Nozawa Yuki) were not announced by name like in past concerts but as Top3. I know I'm probably jumping the gun latching on to the name already, but it's just been something I've been waiting for. I guess we'll know how official the name will be if it starts showing up in magazines in a couple of months or on Shounen Club episodes. Though since there was no mention of Top3 for the September recording we probably won't see it on there until October.

I honestly don't think much about the name in general. I think the name is to continue on Johnny's love of the word top as there have been a few other Junior groups with that word as a part of their name, Four Tops which became Three Tops when Yamapi debuted with NEWS, TOPS (a groups that seemed to have come and gone rather quickly), and Top Kids (a unit Nakayama Yuma was in before Hey! Say! 7 West). I hope Top3 won't follow in the foot steps in any of these groups, even though I highly doubt that the members will debut under that group name. My hope is that maybe they get a rename latter on, maybe with a new member or two added on or be incorporated into the next volleyball debut.

I can't wait to see what other pieces of news SUMMARY will give us, especially as it's just begun.

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