Monday, July 6, 2009

Some TV watching and miscellaneous rambling

You know I just realized I didn't post anything yesterday. Sorry about that, finals are coming up so I'm having to focus on school more than usual.

That being said, tonight I took a nice break and watched some TV, Nakai Masahiro’s Super Drama Festival 2009 - The Pressure SP, to be exact. So I got to watch Nakai Masahiro, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, Yamashita Tomohisa, Yabu Kota and Nakayama Yuma play games with their co-stars for about two hours. Though Yuma was only there for about the first hour before having to leave the stage with the lead female classmate from his drama, because of Japanese child labor laws. For the rest of the show they had cardboard cutouts of them both standing in the group's area. Which was a pity as he seemed to be one of the stronger members of the group when it came to the games.

I had to laugh at the fact that the Buzzer Beat cast totally failed at the free throw game. Yamapi got out with his first attempt, even though the hoop was really close to where he had to stand. At least he was good at the archery, though he failed massively with bowling and his team ended up second overall because of that.

Yabu was rather cute to watch, though there wasn't much of him to see. He at least got his first basket in though, even though he missed the second time. Overall he seemed to be enjoying himself and looked like he got along with his co-stars well.

In other news I've seen the short versions of the PVs for NYC and Akuma na Koi, and have to say I'm glad I'm getting all three versions of this single. Though I'm going to be so broke when they come out because I know I'm going to want a lot of the photos from the Johnny's Store that should be released the same day, as all PV off shoot photo sets are.

And I still need to save up for PLAYZONE (which is incredibly expensive as the cheapest resale tickets are in teh 200USD range), and see about going to one of the Hey! Say! JUMP concerts at the end of the month at Yokohama Arena. I don't think my wallet is going to have much money in it all month. -__-;;

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