Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yasuko to Kenji final impressions

With the new drama season already begun I figured it was time to hurry up and do this post before I do any first impressions for the two dramas I plan on following, Scrap Teacher and Ryusei no Kizuna.

And as a note the screen caps aren't in order and are from the final two episodes of the series. I tried to keep things spoiler free as you can find fansubs for the entire series to watch it yourself.

Honestly I enjoyed watching Yasuko to Kenji from the first episode to the final. It's not the most dramatic or emotional but it is fun and light, which is the kind of drama I enjoy the most.

The cast was great, especially Matsuoka Masahiro as Kenji. He really just stole the screen whenever he was on it and I really look forward to any more acting roles he is given. And I loved that Nagano Hiroshi from V6 had a guest role for the final two episodes. It didn't give him much to do but I thought he did well with what he had to work with for the character.

The last few episodes take a break from the fight random shady people of the week plots which really helps a lot with moving the story along and gives the couple of fights near the end more weight to them as you know that they're not just there to fill time but are essential to the plot.

The final brawl is fun to watch as everyone comes together and actual works to resolve story plots.

The ending is sweet and final enough to be the conclusion though open enough to add something on to it. I don't think the chances of it happening are high but I would love to see a SP for this series. But at least it ended up being the 3rd highest drama for ratings with a 13.0 average rating, with 10 being about average and anything over 20 being a huge hit. Considering for the season the highest average rating for a drama, Code Blue, was 15.6 it's not that bad at all.

All in all I recommend watching this series. It's one of the better light-hearted dramas out there, IMHO. And as I've mentioned before the cast is just great and are just a joy to watch, even for the episodes that seem to be just 'filler'.

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