Sunday, October 26, 2008

Singing in Korean... or not?

This can probably be placed under strong rumor than actual news as I have yet to see the article that it came from but an Arashi fan over on Vox translated a Korean article about how popular Johnny's acts have grown in Korea, citing that the Arashi concerts in Korea sold out so quickly even the one they added after the first three sold out. At the end of the article it mentions that Johnny's Jimusho plan on opening an office in Korea.

Of course with that last bit of information there has been a lot of speculation on what that will mean for Johnny's. I think there is good reason to believe that it is possible, as I found an article that talks about the rise in popularity of the Johnny's acts in Korea, as the country is going through a Japanese-boom, akin to the Korean-boom Japan went through some years ago. As well as the fact there is an official Johnny's website for Korea already.

From comments I've read I've seen people argue that this isn't a good idea for Johnny's if they want cd sales as average cd sales in Korea is less than of Japan. But I highly doubt Johnny's is opening this office to dramatically increase their cd sales. Japan has the second largest music industry in the world, so unless they were trying to break into the American music industry every other country will be a smaller music market than Japan. If anything it just means Johnny's is doing what the Korean music company SM Town has been doing for years and is trying to branch out across Asia. Of course Johnny's in comparison is taking a slower more steadfast pace as only in the past decade have they been having overseas concerts while SM Town nowadays trains their acts for multinational careers.

I have the feeling the office is more to make it easier for Johnny's to set up concerts and events in Korea than any else for the moment. Also it can make it easier for the company to get an understanding of the Korean market before they make decisions on how to enter it. Maybe they'll see about recruiting some Korean talent, like how they recruited Golf & Mike from Thailand. Maybe we'll see some fresh Juniors with Korean heritage in the future, but I don't think outside of concerts and having their Japanese cds/DVDs released in Korea will the current Johnny's acts do much more in the country. Johnny's will get more profit from staying big in Japan than having that suffer while trying to break into another country.

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