Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Uta no Onii-san final impressions

Ok, I've put off finishing this drama for a while because I was just too busy with other things and I kept forgetting about it. But over the weekend I finished off the final episode so I just need to finish Engine (I only have the final episode of that to watch), and I'll be ready to start back up with new dramas. But on to the final Uta no Onii-san review.

While only eight episodes may seem short for a drama, it seemed to be too much for this drama. While I liked the first half the second just seemed to rehash the same thing over and over again. And characters that learned the lesson of the day returned to the next episode pretty much the same before. And while I don't mind repetitiveness, I would like to feel that the story to leading to something, but Uta no Onii-chan seemed to have gotten to the point of its story within the first couple of episodes.

The costumes were amusing and the guest spot with Sakurai Sho was fun to watch. A pity he was only there for one scene though. But on reflection for the full series it started out fine and carried on alright for a while before it's failings just became harder and harder to ignore and/or forgive.

I think the problem with Uta no Onii-chan was that it took itself too seriously at times with the, no matter what you do as long as you do it with pride it's good, message. I really think it should have just tried to be more fun and not throw a message like that in the audience's faces so much. And even though I didn't really enjoy the sub-plot with Yano's ex-band mates, it seemed rather necessary to have it, as it helped lenghten the series. Because honestly near the end I was thinking this would have done better as a special rather than a series.

I did like most of the actors though, which is probably the reason I chose to stick with it to the end, even though the last few episodes felt like they were dragging. I wouldn't mind seeing more of certain cast members, Ohno especially, in other dramas to see what they can do with a better series.

I guess though if you're just looking for something fun to watch where you don't have to think too much, Uta no Onii-san is good for that. It does start out rather well but it just doesn't really go anywhere after that.

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