Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hyakushiki-Ou 10JUN2008 The Outdoors pt. 1

I was in the middle of writing this up last night when I decided to lie down for a rest and ended up actually falling asleep. -_-;; I've decided that since I'm covering Shounen Club I might as well cover Hyakushiki-Ou as well here as it is a program that I try to watch regularly. And since the latest two are a two parter it gives me a good excuse for missing yesterday by doing two posts today. This program features V6's Inohara Yoshihiko as an 'teacher' of a class of Juniors, which currently are Yamashita Shoon, Kis-My-Ft2's Fujigaya Taisuke, Hey! Say! JUMP's Okamoto Keito, Sanada Yuma and Takada Sho. Each episode has a topic that is discussed with some trivia given about it and the students, usually just two of the group, go off on location to do something related to the topic. And then sometimes there are little games to quiz the students knowledge on the subject. So all in all it's a fun little educational program with pretty JE boys.

I will admit that I have only a limited understanding of Japanese so I may be off about what they are talking about, especially since this program is very talk heavy. But I usually understand enough to get the gist of the conversation.

This episode is part of a two part series of episodes about the outdoors. This one focuses on camping and bar-b-que. Like usual the episode starts off with trivia for the 'students' to guess the answers to if they think they know it.

Fujigaya and Takada are the two that get to on location to learn about preparing a camping site and bar-b-que. They meet up with some people that help them out and show them how to set things up. They seem pretty impressed with the Multi-purpose tool and the knives the guy has with him, proving that they are very much guys. Though I'm not surprised to see that they aren't given a chance to try anything out with the knives. Though they are allowed to help with other parts of the food preparation.

When they get back to the classroom it's a discussion about bar-b-ques and Keito gets to talk about how they differ in England, there's lots of meat, which seems to impress everyone. It then returns to trivia about bar-b-ques. And then there's another break into discussion afterwards. Then it's a short segment talking about camping and bar-b-que in Japan, which definitely doesn't looks different than the kind I'm used to from living in the U.S. food-wise. Shoon and Fujigaya are the most talkative at the end. And we get a bit of a preview of the next episode which will be about outdoor sports, and will hopefully be a little more interesting.

At least the scene at the end watching Takada's expression while eating food is rather cute.

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