Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hyakushiki-Ou 17JUN2008 The Outdoors pt. 2

Ok, on the second episode of Hyakushiki-Ou about the outdoors. As hoped this is a more entertaining episode and I was happy to see more of the boys doing the outdoors segments than last time. In fact everyone but Shoon got to go out and do something. I'm thinking Shoon might have still been busy with his play Full House when they were taping this and that is why he was only in the classroom segments.

Of course the show starts off with trivia, this time about hiking so it can lead into the first on location segment with the boys. It's kinda interesting to see that Fujigaya is answering most of the time, though he's a bit off and on about being correct. The outdoor segments are cut into three different locations this time. With Fujigaya, Sanada and Takada exploring a cave in the mountains in the first segment. Fujigaya asks who will lead and Takada says he's afraid but Sanada steps up to be the point man of the group. The cave they finally reach after a hike and look around Mount Fuji takes them by surprise as it looks mostly like a giant hole in the ground. But they make it down, following their guide all the way. They stop at one point and realize that's it's gotten very cold and their guide shows them that it's 2 degrees Celsius (about 36 degrees Fahrenheit) where they are, while outside was 20C (about 68F). They go on a little farther to see some stalagmites and stalactites and then they leave the cave and head back down the mountain.

During the talk after the segment Inohara does a little showing off with some murky water and a bottle that pours it out clear and clean. The class' reaction is between awe and confusion and then we learn that the bottle Inohara used is a special one with a filter in it.

They then move on to outdoor sports. The trivia is actually a little interesting this time as they had a weird bit in it with someone in a mascot costume, called Gachapin, climbing a mountain. In the third segment Fujigaya and Keito go to an indoor climbing area. Keito easily outdoes his senpai and comes off as being much more adept at climbing than Fujigaya even though he had a bit of a hard time with it as well. Though maybe Fujigaya would have done better if Keito wasn't laughing at him the whole time, but it wasn't as if he was much better himself with that. They get to try climbing a wall slanted at a 120 degree angle and Keito manages to take Fujigaya down with him after he falls. Fujigaya ends up doing better but doesn't make it to the goal either.

The next episode is about signs, which could easily go either way for being boring or somewhat fun. But it has Fujigaya and Keito walking around and I do like them both so I will be watching. And this end clip features Takada again, this time I can't figure out what exactly is going on though.

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