Sunday, September 28, 2008

TV program filming updates

I decided to make a quick post about some of the more recent updates on Johnny's net for the filming of various programs that the Johnny's groups will be on.

Hi! Hey! Say! has been updated for the filming for its next two episodes. Hi! Hey! Say! will be filming on October 4th and 18th. The only ones listed for the performances this time for both programs are Hikaru and Yabu with Johnny's Juniors. I'm not sure if listing the Juniors means they will actually do some kind of performance or will just be back dancing as usual. I say this because the Showa x Heisei live stage listing, which hasn't been given a date yet, only has Nakajima, Yamada and Morimoto listed to be performing but it's pretty much a given that there will Juniors there back dancing for them.

Also Kanjani8 are going to perform on the Music Station Special episode. The filming will be on the 3rd of October. I'm not a Kanjani8 fan but I'm kinda excited to see this news as the group hasn't done much this year at all as a group. Their last cd release was back in March and the did do a tour but after that I don't think they did any other full group activities. I wonder what Johnny's has up their sleeves for this, as they don't do anything randomly and they have to be there to promote something. I wonder if there could be an announcement of some kind attached to this, like maybe another cd release before the end of the year.

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