Thursday, August 6, 2009

Various Upcoming Releases

This post is mainly just going to list all the new releases that I haven't posted the pre-order information about, since I've missed quite a bit last month. Though I have to admit every time cdjapan sent me an e-mail about a new release I kept hoping it would be something for Hey! Say! JUMP. And I probably will until there is a new release announcement. Though one thing I discovered recently that made me feel a little better is that apparently HSJ is not the first Johnny's group to have long gaps in their releases after debuting. If you look at the first few years for Arashi they also have some rather sizeable gaps between releases. And of course looking at how many releases they've gotten in the past couple of years it looks like while the wait may be painful now things could take a turn for the better in the years to come.

And now on to the confirmed upcoming releases. Since this single actually came out today it's probably a good one to start with. It's the theme song for the drama, Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen Mae Hashutsujo, or Kochikame for short. This is a special release as it's a Katori Shingo solo single that has his character from the drama listed as the artist.

Kochira Katsushika-Ku Kameari Koen Mae Hashutsusho / Ryo-San

One of the Johnny's groups that doesn't seem to have any issue with releasing cds on a regular basis is V6, who are releasing another single on September 2nd. Of course they are also one of the few Johnny's not on a Johnny's label, but rather on the Avex label with Tackey & Tsubasa. And Avex is known for making its artists release as much as possible. Like most of their recent releases there are three versions, two limited with DVDs and a regular version with extra song tracks.

Guilty [w/ DVD, Limited Edition] [Jacket A] / V6

Then Takizawa Hideaki has his next solo single coming out. This is the theme song for his current drama, Orthos no Inu. Same thing with the different versions as V6, which is most likely because they're both Avex releases. This single will be released on September 23rd.

Hikari Hitotsu [w/ DVD (Music Clip), Limited Edition / Jacket A] / Hideaki Takizawa

Then finally the most recent release announced is another single this year from Domoto Tsuyoshi. Like his previous release this one looks like he was paying special attention to the release date, September 9th. With this the date can come out to 9/9/2009 or 999 if you want to stretch it a bit. Not sure if it has any special meaning, but the title track apparently is an instrumental track that is only on the limited version of the single. Which is a bit odd, but I think that fits in well with Tsuyoshi and his solo works.

Rain [Regular Edition] / Tsuyoshi Domoto

And with that I am finally caught up with the upcoming official releases. I just hope some of the groups that I'm following will have something for me to list soon.

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