Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sailor KAT-TUN?

Since learning more about the upcoming KAT-TUN concerts I'm getting rather excited about them. I was guessing that the seven themes would be the corresponding element/character of the day they would be performing. And it actually looks like my speculation isn't too far off. The themes have been announced to be based off the planets, minus Earth and I still feel weird thinking that Pluto isn't a planet either. But both the days of the week and planets share kanji, which is what makes it rather easy to figure out which day will be which planet for most of them.

So the days and themes should look something like this:

金曜日/Friday is 金星 (Venus)
土曜日/Saturday is 土星 (Saturn)
火曜日/Tuesday is 火星 (Mars)
水曜日/Wednesday is 水星 (Mercury)
木曜日/ Thursday is 木星 (Jupiter)

The only two planets that don't have a corresponding day of the week are 天王星 (Uranus) and 海王星 (Neptune), because 日曜日Sunday and 月曜日/Monday use the kanji for day/sun and moon. I would guess Sunday would be Uranus because Sun and Skies/Heaven go well together as do Moon and Ocean for Monday and Neptune.

Based on this I think I would rather go either Wednesday or Thursday, as I like those elements. I really hope nothing happens that would prevent me from going as I'm sure these concerts will be great.

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