Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NewS - touch LE DVD

One of the various JE things I've been able to pick up since I came here is the limited edition of NEWS' debut album, touch. Which means of course I have finally been able to see the special DVD that comes with it, that has 'dates' with all the members on it as well as some early concert footage and the messages from the group members for the album.

It's a bit odd watching this DVD as it's been about four years since it was released and you can tell how much everyone has grown since then. Especially for some of the youngest members, like Tegoshi. He used to be such an adorable little kid. I really could not imagine how much his image would change over a few years from looking at him at this time.

Of course some things haven't changed at all. Like Shige and Ryo's smiles. Though you do see them more often these days than back then from what I've seen from old footage. Especially Shige's, which as a Shige fan makes me happy. ^__^

There's of course also the fact that this also has footage of Uchi and Kusano (most likely why it's still expensive to buy used like I did). I didn't get into NEWS until they came back after their hiatus as a six member group, so it's a bit strange to see them as the eight member group they were after they officially debuted. But I do like Kusano so I was happy to see him and I really wish he was doing something again now that Uchi has been active for awhile.

The concert footage isn't much to talk about, as it's only one song. I guess the most standout thing about it is that the full group is there, which was a rarity even back then.

The last set of clips are only interesting if you know some Japanese, or if you just really love looking at the boys no matter what they do.

I'm really glad I was able to find this here, especially as I was able to get it at a reasonable price, not the 100USD I've seen it go for at places. Though since I got it at a Book Off (a popular used media store chain) it really was complete luck that I found it, so I'm glad good fortune was shining on me that day.

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