Monday, December 15, 2008

Shounen Club 14Dec2008

It's Shounen Club episodes like this one that makes me glad I'm a Junior fan. I mean what other regular program can you see so many Johnny's from various groups performing and just having fun together?

For the performance clips there should be other places to find them, and I encourage you to hunt them down. Especially the News/Kanjani8/KAT-TUN melody featuring Koyama, Maruyama, and Nakamaru. Nakamaru is just so much love in it and I feel like it won't take much more from him to have me switch to him being my favorite KAT-TUN member.

And like the Kis-My-Ft2 fangirl I am I couldn't help but feel a bit giddy when they were talking with Koyama and Nakamaru and Fujigaya kept saying that as a group they had reached the next stage with their first concerts. Because I really want to believe that it's true and that they are getting closer to a debut. And I found the little Koyama/Yokoo interaction at the very end of the talk cute.

As this is December there will be one more episode of Shounen Club to air this month, the Christmas Special. It's pretty much a clip show with guest appearances but I know I'll be watching anyway.

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