Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Hyakushiki-Ou 24JUN2008 Roads

Because I'm falling quite behind on episodes for Hyakushiki I've figured it was time to catch up. I initially skipped this one as the next two episodes had my favorite things, aka Fujigaya & Shoon in Tokyo Disneyland. ♥

But to get to that I'm suffering through this episode. And yes, suffering is a bit strong but even cute boys can't make this subject entertaining in any way. I kinda wonder who chooses these topics that they cover on the show and how they choose them. Because I can't see how anyone would think 'roads' could be an interesting topic to cover. So I'm going to keep this short and screen cap light.

They got through the usual trivia and then we see that Fujigaya and Keito are the ones that have been sent out on location. They meet up with a Road Specialist and they start walking and are shown various things things about the road they are walking next to. Maybe it's because I find the subject so boring I can't help but think the boys can't be nearly as excited about the subject as they are acting to be.

They return to the classroom and Fujigaya and Shoon make sure they get their moments to shine by speaking out as much as possible. Keito and Takada get to speak a little bit too. Then it's back to more trivia about roads and my brain kinda shut off.

This last segment is pretty much the highlight of the episode as the boys get to banter with Inohara. They also pull out some amusing signs, a not cheating sign for the class and a no sleeping sign for Inohara.

It's then a preview for the next episode, which is the first part of the two episodes where they cover a much more exciting topic, Tokyo Disneyland. And a short clip from the current episode to end it on.

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