Friday, March 6, 2009

A different kind of entry

Probably not going to make many entries like this but I want to take a break of the usual kind of things I normally post about. So everyone gets to hear a little about my personal life, but with a Johnny's focus of course.

After my class today I went to pick up my student visa for going to Japan. I still can't believe that in less than a month I'll be arriving at Narita airport to stay for a year studying abroad. But anyway, I headed over to Kinokuniya after that as I wanted to pick up the new Arashi single as I wanted to make sure I had a copy of Ohno's solo song for his drama, as one off songs like that usually don't end up on albums. I couldn't find it at first and decided to browse around a bit before asking one of the employees if they knew when it would be in.

While browsing I came across the Kisarazu Cat's Eyes movies, which star Okada Junichi and Sakurai Sho, on DVD. It surprised me as I didn't realize they had been given a U.S. release, but apparently they have as they were there on the shelf. I was tempted to pick up the first one but decided against it as I haven't watched the series before and it was on the expensive side at about $30 per DVD. I have since then found that they are on Netflix so I'll be watching them that way and I'll see about writing up a review when I do.

After that I finally asked the employees about the Arashi cd, and they were sure they had it. So it took sometime for them to find them, I can only assume someone may have hidden them somewhere in the cd section to prevent others from buying them or they just hadn't been put on the shelf yet for some reason. All I know is that I looked in the section earlier and couldn't find it.

I was a bit surprised to have found a copy of Hey! Say! JUMP's Your Seed LE single during that earlier look, as I thought it was completely sold out. Not so surprised to have seen that they still have a couple of the LE versions of KAT-TUN's One Drop single though. For some reason I've noticed that it's easier to find LE versions of cds at this Kinokuniya than the regular versions.

But while waiting for the Arashi single to be found, I noticed that on one of the TV screens near the register they were playing programing from Japan and the show that happened to be on was the recent Shounen Club episode. I couldn't watch a lot of it but it was nice to view it in HD. It really made me want to buy a PCTV application for my laptop, so I can watch the show without worrying on the quality or whether or not someone will upload it for downloading. They're just a bit pricey at about $50, but it could be worth it as you can program it to record programs for you...

And that was my Johnny's filled afternoon today. It has me wonder though what it will be like to be able to walk into the cd stores in Japan and not have to worry about hunting down new releases and Johnny's cds. That's such a nice thought, and I hope the LEs don't sell out as quickly as they do on the online stores. As not having to worry about pre-ordering things will be nice too.

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kikuchi Fuma!

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