Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Even more concert updates and a couple of scans

Well the fever's finally left though other symptoms remain, but seem to be getting better slowly. Luckily it's been rather quiet JE news-wise for these days I've been sick. A couple of updates from Johnny's net have gone up today a new Kansai Junior concert series in December and Domoto Koichi's next series of Endless Shock performances for next year.

The Kansai Junior concert is set to be something new with the concerts being divided into the different units in the Kansai Juniors. All of this will be of course in Osaka and begins December 4th and ends on the 14th, so that gives them a week break between these concerts and the other Kansai Junior concerts scheduled before these.

The concert breakdown for the units are:

12/4-12/6 B.A.D. & OSSaN
12/7-12/9 BOYS, the 3 Muro brothers & OSSaN
12/10-12/11 Veteran, Little Gangs, Yamasaki Kunta & OSSaN
12/12-12/14 Nakayama Yuma with Hey! Say! 7 WEST & OSSaN

I have the feeling the only reason OSSaN is listed for all concerts is just because they will be the live band for all the groups though the concerts with only one other unit listed I wouldn't be surprised if those were the ones they get some spotlight too. Kinda find it interesting the Nakayama Yuma is being listed as just being 'with' his unit, Hey! Say! 7 WEST. I guess it's just another sign that Johnny's has big plans for him and want to keep him in the spotlight as much as possible.

For Domoto Koichi's Endless Shock it's listed to be lasting two months this time, beginning on February 5th and finishing on March 30th of next year.

And now for something different. I promised some scans so here are the first two with more to come over the rest of the week. These are the Johnny's Express pages from the Shogakuyonensei magazine for the month of November. This month they are showcasing the Scrap Teacher four.

And speaking of Scrap Teacher I found a source for getting it subbed so I will be able to soon be able to write up my first episode impressions so I can get that started. Now only for someone to start releasing a subbed version of Ryuusei no Kizuna and I would be set for winter dramas.


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