Sunday, November 23, 2008

Scrap Teacher mid-season impressions

Well since it was announced that Scrap Teacher will only be nine episodes long I figured episode five would be the best point to do my mid-season review.

Honestly I can't really say Scrap Teacher is all that great. It's a fun watch but nothing really special, IMHO. I mean I can pretty much tell what's going to happen and it uses a lot of plot points other school dramas use, which it seems to be well aware of as almost every episode brings up how a situation is just like other dramas and school stories.

I think I've come to like the super junior high students more though as they're finally getting more focus on developing their characters a bit. Takasugi of course gets the most screen time as he's played by Yamada. I think I'm really beginning to like him though because of how jealous he obviously is about anyone getting more attention or being more popular than he is.

With episode five it seems like the writers were thinking the same thing as I did when I wrote my first episode impressions and that they need to really explain the super junior high students more. Yoshida, Chinen's character, is the first to have an episode dedicated to having Sugi-sensei win him over (I'm sure Irie, Arioka's character, will be next with Takasugi being the last to be won over). In fact with only four episodes left that's probably where the story will focus, that and perhaps some plot to save the school or something of the ilk to give an excuse to go overly dramatic for the end.

I'll continue watching as I do enjoy the cast, but I don't think it's a series I could recommend to anyone who isn't a fan of the actors, or one that I will be re-watching anytime soon. I hope if Johnny's wants to get Hey! Say! JUMP in another dramas they will spread them out more. I mean it's fun to see so many in the same drama but at the same time I feel like the story suffers from being forced to show off the group's members.

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