Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Various Updates

I feel bad about letting myself fall so far behind with updating this blog. I will make sure to catch up now though as I'm mostly recovered from being sick and I'll finally be getting some days off of school this month so I'll have a bit more free time.

A couple bits of news that have recently come out.

The first is about the special unit TU→YU. TU→YU is a special unit that was put together to star in a series of commercials. The leader of the group is Takeda Tatsuya, who is the actor that plays the lead in the popular Kinpachi-sensei drama. The Johnny's involved have all at one time had roles as his students in the drama, Nagano Hiroshi (V6), Masuda Takahisa (NEWS), Kazama Shunsuke (Junior) and Yaotome Hikaru (Hey! Say! JUMP).

It has been announced that they will be making their musical debut by releasing a song, 'Soba ni Iruyo', via cell phone download only beginning on the 17th. The promotion ends on January 9th.

Daily Sports article (Japanese Only)

And not so much news but something updated on Johnny's net that I thought was worth mentioning, Takizawa Hideaki will be filming for Music Station on November 14th. It kinda surprised me to see him already appearing on the music programs as I am assuming this is for promotion of his butai that begins in January and the solo single he will be releasing for it.

Also to note for TV there will be filming for two Shounen Club programs. The usual monthly one set for the 17th and a Shounen Club SP set for filming on the 24th of the month. I know I'm really curious to what the SP is, though it wouldn't be surprising if it's a Christmas special or something like that as it most likely will be shown next month.

EDIT: Because I forgot, sorry. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tegoshi Yuya!

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