Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Idol Fandoms 2020: Hey! Say! JUMP

When I was last blogging regularly about Johnny's I had fallen out of being a Hey! Say! JUMP fan. I was frustrated that the group was feeling stagnant, especially since they had a younger group debut after them that should have let them progress to a mature sound and feel for the group. And looking back from now I see that if I stuck with the group just a couple more years I would have gotten what I had been hoping for. 

Getting back into Johnny's in general again last year had me falling for Hey! Say! JUMP all over again. Especially since they are showing that they have grown, even though there is a part of me that will always see them as the kids they were when I first saw them. So why the sex appeal the group can show does not appeal to me I am glad they are able to show it for the fans that do enjoy it. I will just enjoy their songs, because they have some really strong bops, and everything else they have to offer.

Of course I am now trying to play catch up with what I have missed. Thankfully I have been rather lucky and have picked up all their albums and a good amount of their singles. So I have mostly caught up on that end. I just now have to figure out how to afford to keep up with new releases. 

That all said I find that my favorites of the group really has not changed. Takaki Yuya remains my favorite with Yamada Ryosuke and Okamoto Keito being in the top tier. Really looking forward to when Keito returns to the group after studying overseas. 

I also have a feeling that when he does return HSJ may be the next group that starts aiming to expand beyond Japan. As not only will Keito be the English-speaker of the group, with him studying acting I have to wonder if that is to help him get roles in English language productions. But that is just my speculation for now.

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