Friday, August 7, 2020

Gaming with A.B.C-Z

A.B.C-Z will be releasing a new album on September 16th titled Continue? This will be the 7th album from the group and it will come in three versions, two limited editions and a regular edition. Each version will come with a set of five stickers as a bonus.

The first limited edition comes with a CD and a DVD. The CD will have 14 tracks in total then the DVD will have the PV for the album's promotional track, GAME OVER!!!, as well as the making of, album jacket shooting footage and dance footage of the single Cheat Time.

The second limited edition also is a CD and DVD combo. The CD contents are the same as the other limited edition. The DVD comes with a variety program put together for the release as well as a dancing lesson lead by Goseki Koichi.

The regular edition is just a CD with the album tracks, but will have two bonus tracks that the limited editions do not have.

To be honest I was a bit worried with the title of the album until I saw the album cover art and saw that the ? was formed to look like the number 7. Of course knowing Johnny's I should have known that they would not be dropping hints about the fate a group in a release title, but with so many groups within just the past two years losing members and/or breaking up I still found myself worrying as A.B.C-Z is sadly not a very popular Johnny's group. Which means people sleep on them all the time as while I do not follow them closely I do pick up their albums as I have yet to be disappointed by one. In fact there are always tracks that I end up loving off of each one that makes it more than worth it to get it.

That aside I am loving the retro gaming look they have for this release. Though it makes the album jacket for the second limited edition look out of place as it is just a generic group shot. Really wish they kept that in the same theme as the other two album jackets. But that is not as disappointing as realizing that since everything for the albums was ready to be released when its release was announced the group probably had a concert they will have to shelve planned out as well. While Johnny's is letting some live productions go ahead they still have yet to green light a concert and I doubt that will happen for a while. Hopefully when they do they can tour for this album release and use those plans still.

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