Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kanjani8 news

Well Kanjani8's upcoming single, now confirmed to be titled 急☆上☆Show!! (Kyu☆Jo☆Show!!) is up on Johnny's net if you want to see the track listing and cdjapan if you want to pre-order it. It has three versions, a regular with four songs with karaoke tracks, while the two limited editions will only have two songs, the title song and Hitotsu no Uta on the cd. There will be two different DVDs, one for each LE, with one with the PV for Kyu☆Jo☆Show!! and the other will have a PV for Hitotsu no Uta.

Also it looks like Ryo won't be the only member of the group that will be effected by the flu this year. It has been reported that currently Yasuda Shota has the flu and has gone home to recover. As he's in the upcoming fall drama, ROMES, he has and will miss some days of filming as he recovers. Thankfully the drama has yet to begin broadcasting so there doesn't look like it will have to be delayed, unlike Orthos no Inu was when Ryo fell ill.

Tokyo Graph article.

And then in the winter drama rumor mill, and something slightly less Kanjani8 focused, 2ch is reporting that Hidarime Tantei EYE is slated to become a weekly drama. Of course at this time it's safe to just say this is a rumor, but for the fall season 2ch was pretty much spot on about the dramas, so there is a chance they could very well be right about this. Now let's hope if this does come about they will give us more scenes of Yamada and Yokoyama together, as I loved seeing them act as brothers and want to see more of that, which a continuation could easily do. That and we can finally get a new Hey! Say! JUMP single out of it too.

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