Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Love Live School Idol Festival time suck

So after seeing that there was a U.S. version of the Love Live School Idol Festival mobile game I decided to give it a shot. I knew next to nothing about the franchise going in other than I had some friends on twitter that were fans and their tweets about the game made it looked fun. So I downloaded the game, picked my starter solely based on the fact that she had the same blood type as I do and began giving up all my free time in the hope of getting more cute girls I can idolize.

Despite knowing so little about the series I ended up enjoying it quite a bit and have been spending probably too much of my free time playing it. I have been a sucker for collecting things in a series, when I was younger I had plenty of trading cards that I tried to collect all of, so that aspect of the game is an instant like. And while it can be challenging at times nothing seems too difficult to make want to just give up.

Honestly I am not that great at rhythm games but I love playing this game and I have improved quite a bit from when I started. I have also learned a lot which has made achieving my goals easier. Though I still need a good luck for some of them.

As I have leveled up and can wait longer until the bar refills enough for me to play another round I have found it easier to pry myself away as I no longer feel I am letting those points go to waste. It will be nice to get up more in level where that no longer feels like a concern at all. But I do enjoy the game and while I doubt I will ever do well enough in it to get the top prizes in the events they still are really useful for me to participate in and I hardly walk away empty handed with them.

Overall it's a pretty fun game and I am happy to see that it has an English version, so learning the ropes of it is not that hard with less trial and error. Just if you like collecting as I do it is easy to let time slip away from you...

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