Sunday, December 20, 2015

Kisumai Magic 27 October 2015 episode review

This episode gives us something completely new as Kis-My-Ft2 and their guests have to guess if the child actors they are watching are reacting to something real or just acting.

The guests are Okubo Kayoko and Mitsuura Yasuko from Oasiz, who get to add some insight with being mothers.

Most of the rounds are set to have the child actors react to something that is hidden from view from the panel. The group is told what the child is supposed to be reacting to and they have to guess which one they are just acting for. If the majority get the answer correct they win the round.

The only difference to that is the final round where they have the child actor talking on a phone to someone who is supposed to be her father. Miyata Toshiya gets to ask a question for the girl to ask her dad and give an answer to it.

At the very end is easily the most entertaining portion as Nikaido Takashi is asked to show off his acting skills by having to eat a wasabi cake and do the usual "delicious" routine that is done with just about all variety programs.

It is not a bad game, as it is easy to play along with as a viewer. But I did not find it all that engaging or entertaining. It is still miles better than the previous episode and the kids are cute at least.

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