Thursday, August 31, 2017

Initial Madara blessed me

Getting back to going over my journey with Ensemble Stars my scouting luck was pretty amazing overall. My free pulls for the 2nd anniversary of the game not much so as I got to experience the dreaded 3 star only pulls. I did not bother to screencap those, because who does?

But before those free pulls there was a pull I had to do no matter what. The character that finally got me hooked into this game, Mikejima Madara, was added to the game with his first 4 star and the usual trio of 3 stars. While my pull was successful in getting the 4 star, though not as successful with getting all the 3 stars, I ended up with a bonus Akehoshi Subaru 5 star. A welcome addition as it helped break by vocal curse.

Of the three free pulls I only had one non-all 3 star pulls, which of course was the guaranteed 4 star one. I did not realize that it would have been better to save a scout for the start of the next month so I could have gotten two of those instead but with my account being as new as it was anything above a 2 star was helpful. I only screen capped the 4 star pull where I got my first copy of Mashiro Tomoya's initial 4 star.

With Madara getting his first event 5 star I knew I was going to have to keep building up my teams if I wanted to get him. The best way to do that is of course to scout in the box for the card set released right before the event. These cards are given special boosts on your teams, making it much easier to gain points during the event itself. Luck blessed me again with at least giving me the 5 star of the set, plus one of the 3 stars.

At this point even if the point 5 star was not Madara I felt the need to get it as it was a dance attribute, and with how overpowered my vocal team was at that point in comparison to the rest it would be a much needed addition.

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