Saturday, October 10, 2020

King & Prince make a promise

 What is the end of the year without a glut of new releases just in time for the holiday season? For Johnny's they have another release to add to their list with King & Prince releasing a new single on December 16th, titled I promise. And with the release news we have all the information for it except what the cover art will look like. The single will have three editions that can be purchased in stores, two limited editions and then a regular edition.

The first limited edition will be a CD and DVD combo. The CD will have the title track and a B-side exclusive song titled Little Christmas. The DVD will have the music video and the first part of the making of video for the music video. The first press of this version will come with a sticker.

The second limited edition will also be a CD and DVD combo. The CD will have the title track and a B-side exclusive song titled Happy Holy Night. The DVD will have the dance version of the music video and the second part of the making of video for the music video. The first press of this version will come with a clear poster.

The regular edition is just a CD but comes with two exclusive B-side songs, Winter Love Story and Glad to see you, with the title track. The first press version of this will come with an eco bag.

There will also be a 7-11 version of the regular edition that can be purchased at 7-11 stores in Japan that will have a different CD cover. Though to get your hands on that version as an overseas fan you have to either use a proxy or wait to get it from a Japanese auction site.

As the group's last CD release was their second album back in September this single is not surprising. It is plenty of time between releases plus it gives Kinpuri a new song to perform on music programs as those should start ramping up for the end of the year. And the tie-in with 7-11 stores in Japan will mean it will be hard to escape the advertising for this release.

I am tempted to get the RE of this single, though I really want to just get the group's albums so they can be affordable to follow for me. But I love goods that are practical and can be used for everyday things so the eco bag is tempting. Especially since I do not really have Kinpuri goods. 

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