Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Finding a Treasure and possibly Enhypen -ing

I know it was not too long ago that I went over the K-pop groups that I am interested in but I am going to have to add to that list already. And then maybe add one more group beyond that.

Treasure has been a group that I have been on the fence about, I loved their first single but was not as enamored with their second single though I did like it. But I found myself coming back to the group again and again, then finally took the time to watch some of their videos on Youtube and there was no turning back after that. I have a favorite member with Asahi but really like Yoshi and Hyunsuk as well. If anything I am just going to be glad they are a new group so there is not much to catch up on. Though they are on a release blitz with a new single being released November 6th and they are supposed to be releasing an album in December.

I am interested in Enhypen as I love the concept for the group that has been seen so far. But I cannot make a final decision until I actually hear what kind of music they will be releasing. And since K-pop does not release the music video of the main track of a release until the day of I will be waiting until November 30th to do so. But if I like their music as much as their concept then I will be adding them to my list.

But I seriously hope I like their music as I am loving this vampire-esque vibe from their debut trailer.

That said I am hitting the point where I know I cannot take on following anymore groups than these two. I just would not have the time or the money for it. Especially if 2PM starts activities again next year. 

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