Thursday, December 31, 2020

Looking forward.

The year is ending and like many I am ready for it. Though being honest this year did have some good I was glad to have experienced with the bad. But there is a greater sense of needing to move on for me, as there are goals that I am getting slowly closer to reaching and hopefully accomplish in the coming year.

I have taken a bit of a mini-break from the blog as so many of the posts I was making were just about upcoming releases and it just felt like I was writing ads. I have been working on other types of posts but they have been more slow going than I hoped. But I will keep working on them and focus on more on finding news to talk about for the groups I follow so there is more content. Plus it helps keep me in the loop of things.

In the end idols still give me so much joy and I want to spread that joy to others. Also as a fan of both J-pop and K-pop I would like to bring more understanding between the fandoms. I know everyone has their own tastes but there is no need for hate. Especially when fans of both are not going to escape being judged by others for enjoying music in a different language.

Of course like always, thank you everyone who continues to follow me. I know this is probably one of the more messier eras for my blogging but I hope you are finding something you enjoy. 

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