Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tsunku chooses Chu-Z

Finally after the girls have been tweeting about working on new songs in the studio they have announced that they are set to release their 3rd major single on July 1st. The title of the single will be Tell me why Umarete Kita Imi o Shiritai and they will be having a special composer for this title track, Hello!Project's Tsunku♂.

Tsunku♂ apparently was impressed with the group and offered to compose a song for them, which the group's producer YOHEY accepted.

Tokyo Girls Update article (English)

Honestly it makes me happy to see the girls gain recognition like this and I hope this will spur some more interest in them. I truly believe this group is something special and I hope more will notice the same thing. Tsunku is definitely a big enough name to help generate some interest.

I do wonder what the song will end up sounding like. I do hope it will not sound too much like what he has been writing for Morning Musume, as Chu-Z has a different sound than them. But I know Tsunku can write just about any genre so it is exciting to wonder what the group will get from him.

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