Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Uta no Onii-san mid-season impressions

I need to get better at not putting these reviews on hold for as long as I have after I finish watching the necessary episodes for them. As my memory tends to get a bit foggy after a few days. But I'll try my best.

This series still remains a fun series overall to watch. It's hardly ground breaking but the characters are memorable and the costumes are wonderfully silly. I can't help but think that some of them are the kinds of things that Johnny's forces Juniors to wear. (laugh)

After the first few episodes the focus finally begins to shift off of Kenta and onto the other characters, which I found to be rather rewarding as Kenta's character change is going at a snail's pace. We also get introduced to some of the subplots that look like they'll be tied strongly into the final episodes.

The cast overall remains strong. My one complaint is still Chisa. Maybe if this wasn't her first role she would do better but she doesn't come off believable at all, especially during crying scenes. And I'm normally not someone who picks up on bad acting well usually. I mean I know in this drama there's a few people overacting but that's because their characters are meant to be over the top and overly dramatic so it fits the roles.

I'll be keeping with this drama until the end as overall I have been enjoying it. I hope they keep developing the other characters before having to shift the focus all back on Kenta again for the final episodes. And I am interested to see exactly how they plan to end such a quirky little drama.

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