Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Belated Birthday Wishes, again.

Ok, I feel like a complete failure now that I release that over the weekend that I completely forgot to say anything about Kusano's birthday on the 15th. I mean it's not like I completely forgot it as there were posts about it on the LJ comms but it just slipped my mind when it came to posting for that day. And since I do like Kusano I feel terrible for it.

But from a little snippet from Yamapi's blog, that even without the name mention just has to be about Kusano, those who did remember made the day worth it for him. Which makes me so happy to first hear that he is back in Japan and that he's still hanging out with the News members.

Hopefully soon we can get some official news for him, like his own series of concerts. (This I would die for and sell a kidney if I had to for a ticket.) So come on Johnny's, don't let this fangirl down and give me another reason to hand my money over to you. (laugh)


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